New premiere on HMS, review, links and more!

Hello again!

I’m excited to be able to officially announce the latest feature to debut on Horror Metal Sounds.

Written in blood


The feature, entitled “Written in Blood” will showcase short horror stories.  I’m excited that HMS will be bringing short horror fiction to the table and in the future, we will be accepting submissions from everyone who wishes to participate.  This will give HMS the awesome opportunity to expand the site into a publisher of anthology work, giving a great opportunity to not only the excellent staff of writers that we have, but also to fellow members of the horror community!

In other news, there is a new review up on Luna’s Review Blog, 4 Stars on The Breadwinner.  You can check that out here.

On July 27th there will be an all day Facebook event hosted by Shah Fazli that spotlights me.  I will be answering questions, goofing off in general and hosting a couple giveaways.  Head to the Facebook event page and don’t miss out!  Invite your friends and share with people you feel would be excited to join.


Also, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter!  Stay up to date with information like this and more!  You sign up for the newsletter by clicking here!

And if you’ve ever wondered what en eBook signed copy of The Breadwinner & Haven looked like….why not request a signed copy from me?  Check me out on authorgraph and send a request!  It’s free, fun and something you can brag to friends about 🙂

Til next time!
